Should You Get An RV Extended Warranty? 3 Things To Consider Before Purchasing

Do you need to buy an extended warranty for your RV? Extended warranties are kind of like insurance polices that cover RV repair after the manufacturer's warranty ends. Some RV owners love them, while others believe them to be unnecessary. You won't know if a warranty is right for you until you've studied their pros and cons. If you're thinking about getting an extended warranty for your RV, take these three things into consideration first, to help you make the best decision to suit your individual needs and preferences.

1. Can You Be Disciplined in Saving for RV Repair Work?

Just like a car, your RV will eventually need some kind of repair work. An extended warranty can give you the comfort of knowing that even the most expensive repairs will be taken care of (usually after you've paid a small deductible), and your budget will be protected.

However, some RV owners prefer to set aside a certain amount of money into savings each month, and this is their RV repair fund. If you can be very disciplined about putting away the same amount of money each month (usually $100 or so) to use as your RV repair fund, then you may not need a warranty. If saving isn't your thing, a warranty will be very useful for you.

2. Does the Warranty Pay the Repair Facility Directly, Or Does It Reimburse You?

Some warranties pay directly to the repair facility, such as Central Body Co Inc. All you have to do is give the shop your warranty number and they will take care of arranging payment with your warranty company. This is by far the most convenient way to pay, and results in no money out of your pocket except for the deductible.

Other companies reimburse you for repairs later. This means you have to pay the repair shop out of pocket and then wait weeks (or sometimes even longer) to get a reimbursement check from the warranty company.

If your warranty company operates like this, you might as well just keep a savings account for repairs. Be sure your warranty pays the repair shop directly before purchasing the policy.

3. Does the Warranty Offer Flexibility in Where You Get Your Repairs?

You travel to a lot of places in your RV. If it breaks down or needs repairs in a remote location, you want to be sure your warranty will pay for you to use the nearest facility. Warranties that are too exclusionary with where they will allow you to get repairs aren't of much use to RV users. Only get a warranty with flexible repair locations you can use.


Extended warranties can be real blessings for RV users. However, they are only useful if you get one that works for you. Be sure you read the fine print before buying a policy. If the policy has everything you need to be sure you're covered for any repair eventuality on the road, go ahead and purchase it today. You'll be glad you did.
